Tuesday, 10 February 2015


Welcome to Gory Gory Grub, a blog about the disgusting portrayals of food in literature!

From resentful memories of being forced to eat farty brussel sprouts as a child, to reading about poor Oliver Twist being subjected to three meals of watery gruel a day in the work house, food is not always the happy, indulgent and comforting idea that we initially hope for it to be. What if we were to look at food in negative terms, specifically rotten, or tasteless food, bitter medicines, experimental food gone wrong, trying new (and sometimes too exotic) foods. I shall aim to look at the way food is presented within literature- in particular children's literature, and find out how it shapes our opinions on how we look at food. I will look at the foods that I detested as a child and see if my views on those ingredients and recipes have changed, and also attempt to copy and be inspired by some inventive recipes from children's books. subjecting my poor family to the perhaps tasty (but probably horrible) outcome! I wish you a gory experience!